Our Aim
Our Aim & Scope
KPU International Journal of Engineering and Technology (KPU-iJET) is established under Academic affairs of Kabul Polytechnic University (KPU), KPU-iJET is an open access peer-reviewed international forum for scientist and engineers involved in research to publish high quality and refereed papers. Papers for publication are selected through peer review to ensure originality, relevance, and readability.
KPU-iJET welcomes theoretical and practical papers aimed at innovation and further understanding of engineering and technology, including, but not restricted to, Civil and Industrial Engineering, Architectural Science, Urban Planning and Designing, Transportation Engineering, Construction Management, Chemical Technology, Petroleum Engineering, Water Resource and Environmental Engineering, Hydraulics Engineering, Electrical and Power Engineering, Auto Mechanic Engineering, Computer Science Engineering, Geomatics, General Science and Mining Engineering.
The KPU-iJET aims to establish itself as a platform for exchanging ideas in new emerging trends that needs more focus and exposure and is always committed to publish articles that will strengthen the knowledge of upcoming Researchers and Scientists. The KPU-iJET is and Open Access journal and provides immediate, worldwide, barrier-free access to the full text of research articles without requiring a subscription to the articles published in this journal.
KPU-iJET publishes peer-reviewed, original research and review articles in an open access format. Published materials is freely available to all interested online readers. At the same time, the authors who publish in the KPU-iJET retain the copywrite of their article.
Email: ijet@kpu.edu.af
Address: Kabul Polytechnic University, Bagh-e-Bala, Fifth Districts, Kabul Afghanistan