Authors Guidlines

Authors must follow these instructions carefully to avoid delays in submission, peer-review, and publication processes.

      A. General Instructions

KPU-International Journal of Engineering & Technology (KPU-iJET) provides the rapid Semi-Annually (Six-monthly) publication of articles. The topics for KPU-iJET include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Civil Engineering
  • Hydraulics and Environmental Engineering 
  • Transportation Engineering 
  • Geology and Mining Engineering 
  • Surveying Engineering
  • Computer Engineering 
  • Architecture & Urban Studies
  • Electrical Engineering 
  • Mechanical Engineering 

The language of the journal is English. Authors are recommended to perform spell checking and grammar checking of the article. Authors, for whose English is not the native language, are strongly encouraged to have their manuscript carefully edited prior to submission.

After the submission, the manuscripts will be edited according to the journal submission format and authors may be requested for some corrections or for the addition of any missing information.

Withdrawal Policy: An author is free to withdraw an article at no charge – as long as it is withdrawn within 3 days of its initial submission. 

      B. Preparation of Manuscripts

The manuscript beside the main text (according to the pattern of manuscripts) must include a cover letter, acknowledgment (if any)ethics committee approval (if necessary). The following documents must be uploaded to the online submission system separately:

The main text should be 4000-8000 words long (not including abstract, keywords, and references). All headings must be numbered consecutively and hierarchically.

Within the article, any information that could indicate the author’s identity should be removed. To maintain anonymity in the double-blind review process, for self-citations, please use in-text references as "(Author(s), the year of publishing)" and end-text reference as "Author(s) (the year of publishing).”  Author(s) should make sure that figures and tables do not contain any affiliation-related identifier. You can rectify your citations after your submission is confirmed.

For the format of the manuscripts please do check the Article Template/Format Guidelines in KPU-iJET’s website.

Cover Letter

  • The cover letter must certify the copyright agreement and authorship
  • The cover letter must state that the manuscript has been written and approved by all authors, it presents an original and unpublished work, and it has not been submitted to/or is not under review process in another journal.
  • The cover letter must contain the names and signatures of all authors.
  • The scan of the cover letter is acceptable.
  • The Cover Letter must also express "Conflict of Interest", "Financial Disclosure", "Ethics Committee Approval" and "Legal Public / Private Permissions".
  • A sample of the cover letter is available on the website of the journal.

Conflict of Interest:

Authors must declare any potential conflict of interest in the research. If there is no conflict of interest, the following statement must be written in the Cover Letter: “No conflict of interest was declared by the authors”.

Financial Disclosure:

Authors must acknowledge where applicable the source(s) of funding and describe the role of sponsors in the research. If financial support was received from any fund while this article was being produced, it should be stated clearly where this support was obtained. If there is no support, the following statement must be written in the Cover Letter: “The authors declared that this study has received no financial support”.

Ethics Committee Approval:

If an ethics committee approval was required while this article was being produced, it should be stated clearly. A proof document for Ethics Committee Approval must also be uploaded to the journal system or should email to the editor of the KPU-iJET journal. If there is no ethics committee approval, the following statement should be written in the Cover Letter: “Ethics committee approval was not required for this article”.

Legal Public/Private Permissions:

The following statement must be clearly given in the Cover Letter in the research carried out with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from participants using survey, interview, focus group interview, observation, and experimental techniques: “In this research, the necessary permissions were obtained from the relevant participants (individuals, institutions, and organizations) during the survey, in-depth interview, focus group interview, observation or experiment.”

      C. Pattern of Manuscripts

All submitted Research manuscripts must follow the pattern given below:

  • Title (Maximum 120 Characters)
  • Author Name, Affiliation, and Email ID
  • Abstract (Maximum 300 words)
  • Keywords (Maximum Five)
  • Introduction
  • Literature Survey
  • Problem Definition
  • Methodology / Approach
  • Results & Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • Future Scope
  • Acknowledgements
  • Abbreviations
  • References
  • Each Author (s) Short Profile with Formal Photo(s)
  • Appendix

Title: Title must be informative and specific. It should be easily understandable by the reader and should reflect the motive of the research paper.

Author Name, Affiliation, and Email ID: Author First name and Last name only. Please don't include salutations like Dr / Mr. / Prof etc. If possible, provide only your professional email id, instead of personal. names, affiliations (department, faculty, university, city, and country), and e-mail addresses of all authors and identify the corresponding author.

Abstract: A concise and informative abstract of a maximum of 400 words. It is a summary of the report describing the question investigated, the methods used, the principal results, and conclusions. must summarize the purpose, methods, and major findings of the paper. The abstract should be unreferenced.

Keywords: Five most important terms that describe your research domain and specific problem area investigated. The article must have a maximum of 5 keywords which must be sorted in alphabetical order and separated by commas. Keywords must be carefully selected to facilitate the readers’ search.

Introduction: It is a brief section usually not more than a page. It should be informing the reader of the relevance of your research.

Literature Survey: This section includes a short history or relevant background of the research area being addressed.

Methods / Approach: This section should describe how you are supposed to rectify the problem, what approach or what methodology you are supposed to use in your paper.

Results / Discussion: This section describes the outputs generated in the methodology section. Elaborate and compare your results with previous research performed in the past.

Conclusion: Final extract of your research performed. Concisely elaborate your final output here.

Future Scope: What are the future possibilities of improvement in the research you performed. Discuss the limitations and benefits over historical research.

Acknowledgments: Author (s) must acknowledge all the persons, institutions, organizations, and funding agencies that are resourceful in conducting the study.

Abbreviations: Abridged technical terms and jargon used in the study are expanded and must be placed at the end of the study for a clear understanding of the readers.

References: If you reference an external source in your paper, you should cite where you found that source. Give credit to the actual contributor, they deserve this.

Authors Short Profile: Short bio of all the authors, including a small picture also. People should know you too!

Appendix: Authors can share all the supplementary information that they could not share in the manuscript as an appendix. The appendix also carries questionnaires, guidelines, and the universal standards followed in conducting studies involving animals.


      D. Submission of Manuscripts

  • The manuscript must be submitted with a covering letter from the author of correspondence to the Managing Editor by e-mail submission at or through Online Submission.
  • After initial acceptance, the author(s) must pay the Publication Charges (APC) to the KPU-iJET.
  • After the successful submission of the manuscript the corresponding author will be acknowledged within two weeks.
  • Any quarry regarding the preparation & submission of a manuscript to the journal should be addressed via contact us.
  • English is the official language of the journal. Original Research Articles not previously published and not being considered for publication elsewhere only should be submitted.
  • Corresponding authors must be declared that the manuscript is submitted on behalf of all authors.
  • Copyright belongs to the publisher upon acceptance of the manuscript.
  • Submission of a manuscript signifies acceptance of the journal's guidelines for authors.

Manuscript Review

  • After submission, articles will be checked to ensure that they meet the guidelines set out in this document.
  • Articles are checked for text overlap. Those with high overlap scores are scrutinized by the Editor-in-Chief and may be rejected without further review.
  • The Editor-in-Chief assigns the manuscript to one of the editors. This handling editor has sole discretion on whether to send the article for peer review or reject it without further review.
  • Around three referees will be invited for peer review. Referees are given 15 days to supply a peer review report.
  • An initial decision is typically made on manuscripts sent for peer review within 2–4 weeks. Final decisions will be made on all manuscripts within two months of submission. 
  • Resubmissions are possible only with the explicit permission of the editor.